The Buzz, September 23 Edition

Hello, and welcome to the September edition of The BUZZ, your monthly dose of news from the Organic Sector.

It’s been a while since our last update. Our energies have been fully focused on designing our future growth projects and seeking the much-needed funding required to make it all happen. We are now in the throes of applying for funding via the Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures Fund (SFFF). This fund has a co-funding requirement; hence, we kicked off August with our fundraising campaign ‘Farming for the Future: Matching Gift Challenge’. We’d like to express huge thanks to Gary Hirshberg, who has offered to match all donations up to $60,000 and to each donor who has helped us raise $95k so far. We still have a way to go to reach our $120k target; however, there is still time to help. Please consider donating to our fundraising campaign today.

Thanks to everyone who attended our AGM at the end of August. It has been another year full of activities, with the highlight being the passing of the Organic Products and Production Act. The OANZ Executive team, led by Tiffany, has been working hard to ensure our organic voice continues to be heard as the New Zealand Organic Standard moves into its final draft stages. We will continue to work hard advocating for the Organic Sector to key Government Ministers and policymakers to get the best possible standards and regulations.

Ngā mihi

Chris Morrison – Chair 
T: 027 548 1293