10 Ways to Support Organics This Earth Day

Friday 22 April is Earth Day and the theme is Invest In Our Planet. What Will You Do?

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. The body published its Sixth Assessment Report in April 2022, which provides an updated global assessment of climate change mitigation progress and pledges, and examines the sources of global emissions.

According to the IPCC report, the world must hit net-zero emissions by mid-century to hold global warming to 1.5℃. One of the key industries that need to achieve the most significant emissions reductions is agriculture.

The way we produce and distribute food accounts for more than one-third of global emissions, which means we can not restore planetary health without transforming our food system.

In celebration of Earth Day 2022, OANZ has highlighted 10 ways you can support organic for the earth and you!

Choosing organics enables our communities, environment and economy to thrive.

Everyday products that millions upon millions of people buy every day and often take for granted can have a catastrophic impact on the planet. In the case of conventional food production, the use of synthetic insecticides, fungicides, pesticides, and fertilisers contributes to biodiversity loss, waterway pollution, soil degradation, and an increase in global emissions.

Organic farming follows four main principles. These are:

Hauora/Health - Healthy food starts with healthy soil and pure water that support healthy plants and animals.

Hauropi/Ecology - Healthy farming is based on emulating and sustaining natural systems.

Matatika/Fairness - Healthy societies are based on equality, respect and justice for all living things.

Tiakitanga/Care - A healthy future means caring for the generations to come by protecting and restoring land and water to good health.

To follow these principles, organic producers work in partnership with nature to produce healthy, safe food that nourishes people, land, and the environment at the same time.

We need more farmers choosing to convert their farms to organic regenerative agriculture, swapping to organic shouts to the people that grow your food that going organic is a viable option for the future.

10 Ways You Can Support Organics This Earth Day

  1. Choose Organic

    Check out your local grocery store's organic section or shop online. You will find retailers across Aotearoa New Zealand that support organic farmers and offer a wide range of products. Shopping more consciously by choosing higher welfare meats, organic fruits and vegetables can also bring an environmental benefit and supports the farmers who are working with nature, rather than against it.

  2. Get To Know Your Local Organic Store Owner & Staff

    They will keep you in the loop regarding the best and freshest deals, and share the provenance of the meat you are buying and where the veggies were grown. Get on first name terms with your local organic store owner and you’ll be rewarded with an incredible amount of knowledge about where and how your food is grown.

  3. Visit Your Local Farmers' Market and Choose Locally Grown Foods in Season

    Food grown locally comes straight from the vine or out of the field and tastes better than produce that’s travelled and you might find some interesting, heritage varieties not found elsewhere. When you shop at your local farmers’ market, you’re directly supporting your community, this means you’re supporting farmers, bakers, makers and vineyards in your local food shed. Rather than most of your money going to a middleman distributor or to a company across the ocean.

  4. Support Your Local Organic Farmer

    Get in touch with your local growers, perhaps they offer veg boxes or CSA schemes. Small farms (rather than large monoculture farms) are diverse by nature and diversity is strength, reducing the environmental impact on the ecosystem the farm inhabits.

  5. Join or Start a Local Coop!

    Coops are great ways to buy products in bulk. Check out the Tuari platform to help get your coop up and running in no time!

  6. Start an Organic Garden!

    Plant an organic seed! In the words of food and environmental activist Vandana Shiva '‘Growing your own food is a revolutionary act". What’s better than fresh, organic home-grown produce straight from the garden? As well as being healthy and delicious, it can reduce your carbon footprint compared to buying conventionally grown food.

  7. Use Your Voice!

    Write to or meet with your local MP and local councillors to ensure they understand the gravity of the situation. Call on them to support the shifting of Aotearoa New Zealand to organic regenerative agriculture. Of all the actions you can take, one of the most powerful is telling your elected representatives this is an issue you care about.

  8. Talk To Your Favourite Food Producers

    Tell them how important organics and food sustainability are to you. Find out about their long term business strategy and carbon reduction plans.

  9. Learn More About The Future of Farming

    Organic regenerative practices can play a huge part in reversing climate change and bringing atmospheric carbon levels down to pre-industrial levels. Watch To Which We Belong, a documentary that highlights farmers and ranchers leaving behind conventional practices that are no longer profitable or sustainable.

  10. Join OANZ!

    You’ve made it this far, so you are likely to be serious about reducing your carbon footprint and making a positive impact on the world. OANZ agree 100%. As the national voice of the organic sector, we provide leadership for our members to collaboratively work for organic policies that are good for the health of all Kiwi’s, our communities, the environment and economy. Our members are organic producers, traders, exporters and consumers and together we are driving forward the growth of organics and a resilient food future in Aotearoa New Zealand.

    Join OANZ by becoming a member today and support our work advocating for system change and sector growth.

    In honour of Earth Day, OANZ has teamed up with Ceres Organics to giveaway a yummy organic food hamper. Simply join before the end of May and you’ll go in the draw to win a feast of organic goodies.

Louise Vicente